Series Statement

Cats at rest are stillness. There may be an occasional electric twitch of an ear or tail thump as they absorb ambient energy. Suddenly, something arouses them. There is a shift. Whiskers and fur radiate in all directions. The power grid is on. 

You look, the cat that was flattened to the floor has jumped to the moon.

My work investigates the visual processing of these changes.  The work keeps evolving in different directions as my thinking on these changes evolves. The Cats keep changing appearance. They are, after all, cats.

Artist Bio

Judith R. Peterson photography and visual art have been used extensively for South Dakota Public Broadcasting, the South Dakota State Medical Association, and numerous publications including the Argus Leader of Sioux Falls and Harvard Magazine.

Ink painting, illustration, and photography are primary interests. She does public health photography on an ongoing basis for the Healing Words Foundation.